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The Adventures of Blackie The Pony


These books are dedicated to all the horses and ponies I have owned and ridden throughout my life, and to my family for putting up with my strong love of the horse.

Excerpts from the books

Miss Louise was looking for a small, quiet, kind pony for her son Andrew. She and a friend went to a pony farm in New Jersey to find one. There were over 30 ponies running around in the fields to choose from.


When they arrived at the farm, a very small, dark pony came running to the field gate and pushed himself in front of the other ponies to look at the people who had arrived. This was Blackie, of course.

This is the first in a series of books about the adventures of Blackie the pony. It covers why he came to Corner House Farm and the trouble he got into once he arrived.

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This is the second book in the series.

Miss Louise also feeds the horses apples and carrots. The horses love these treats. They get Christmas candy canes as a special treat after they have worked as well.


Blackie could see lots of lovely green grass through the field fences in the neighbors yards so he would push his way through the fence to eat all the lovely grass.

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Blackie is a very good teacher for small children. He behaves the best that he can when children who have never ridden before are on his back. Sometimes, though, Blackie can tell if his rider is not paying attention to him and he plays a trick on them.

This is book three of the series.

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Andrew and Blackie prepare to go to horse shows. There is a lot of work to do, both cleaning Blackie and his saddle and bridle. They have to practice riding, walking over poles on the ground, over small bridges, around barrels and being able to stop and turn. It is all very exciting. Blackie has been to shows before and looks after Andrew, he behaves really well.

This is book four of the series.

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